
Tips on China company verification

The most secured way to verify chinese company is to visit the local administration of industry and commerce, check the company registration information of said company from local AIC with the information listed on their business license to see if they are the same.

You can find the following company information at local AIC: date of incorporation, address, legal representative, registered capital, contact information, business scope, business type, business term, annual inspection performance, etc.

Chinawhy offers inspection service in China(including local AIC visiting) for paid customers, However, we are happy to share some open company verification resources( regarding AIC visiting) with customers who are doing very small business and can't afford to pay for a proper company verification.

In a long run, China will build up a comprehensive company registration information inquiry system, but for now, we don't have a nationwide level official website offers such data inquiry service.

Some local AIC have set up website for users to check the basic information of a company found within their administrative area, I have checked whether these website are authentic by testing to check some local companies which I knew are legit, However, for many AIC website which offer online company information inquiry service, the results are not correct due to they haven't built up an complete online database of company registration information they possessed.

I know "Anhui zhongding holding"  is real and legit, so when I open www.szcredit.com.cn, I input the company name , then click to look for , you will find that this company is a Hongkong-funded enterprise and has one subsidiary company, you can also see the legal representative of this company, but if you want to inquiry more detailed information of this company, you will be charged. So in conclusion:
1)most AIC don't offer online company information inquiry service
2)among those AIC websites that offer online inquiry, many are not authentic due to database incompleteness.
3)Among the few AIC website that offer online inquiry function and have a complete database for accurate company information inquiry, most are paid, only a few are free. We are going to share with our fellow users if we found other free open resources for company verification.

Chinawhy have verified more than 2000 companies since 2006, our company verification service covers most part of Mainland China.

