
Scientists find plastic in all Great Lakes

They had previously discovered them in Lakes Superior, Huron and Erie last year and new summer research uncovered small concentrations also in Lake Michigan and Lake Ontario.Mary Balcer, director of the Lake Superior Research Institute at the University of Wisconsin-Superior, who has studied more traditional Great Lakes threats such as zebra mussels, said plastics are a new culprit on the list of Great Lakes ecological troubles.

“The accumulation of plastic particles is a great threat to our natural ecosystem and to the humans who use Lake Superior for our drinking water supply,” Balcer said.Fresh off the research boat, Lorena Rios-Mendoza, assistant professor of chemistry at the University of Wisconsin-Superior, presented her preliminary findings to reporters Thursday.

She said Lake Erie seems to hold the highest concentrations of plastics, probably because the particles float downstream from the upper lakes, according to the Duluth News Tribune.The plastic has also been found in Lake Superior sediment, meaning it’s not just floating on the China beads, Rios-Mendoza said.

“It was very shallow where they were found, but they were in the sediment,” Rios-Mendoza said.The researchers dragged fine-mesh nets across the surface of lakes. Some of the plastic can be seen only under a microscope.So far, Rios-Mendoza’s hypothesis is that the plastic in the Great Lakes starts small, possibly as scrubbing beads in household or beauty products, facial scrubs and even some toothpaste.

The particles are tiny enough to slip through the screens at wastewater treatment plants and then start their journey across the Great Lakes.Not only is the plastic itself an issue, she noted, but research has found that plastic can absorb persistent toxic chemicals, some of them known endocrine disrupters. So the floating plastic beads act like tiny, toxic sponges.

Two Melia Trees in Grey Street outside Gisborne Motors will be removed as part of Gisborne District Council’s focus on actively managing street trees. The health of the 80 year old trees is in decline, and they are causing significant damage to property, says parks and community property manager Grahame Smail. "Trees don’t last forever and council is committed to maintaining a streetscape with healthy trees. Where trees are sick or becoming a hazard we want to remove them before they cause injury to passers-by."

Council looks after 4700 street trees planted on the sides of roads within the city and at Wainui, Makaraka, Manutuke, Patutahi, Te Karaka and Tolaga Bay. This is in addition to thousands of trees planted in the parks throughout the district.

"Our abundance of street trees adds a unique character to the city and council wants to keep it that way. They are an important asset recorded in our tree register which keeps track of the age, species, health and expected lifespan of all street trees."

"This will help us to identify when trees need to be replaced. We are also developing replacement guidelines for street trees. The aim is to ensure the right trees are planted in the right places. For instance the Melia trees planted in Grey Street have caused issues for business owners and passers-by for years. Melia trees drop beads and leaves four times a year. They are a large tree with an intensive root system that lifts and breaks paving causing a trip hazard. They will be replaced with trees that are not so large and do not drop as much onto our footpaths but suit the style of our city centre."

Four palms will be removed in Heipipi Park by the Courthouse. "They were never meant to have been planted there under the original landscaping plan. One is obscuring the lights that illuminate the canoe prow (Tauihu) that was carved by Te Aturangi Nepia-Clamp in 1990. They overshadow the iconic sculpture and are obscuring an important acknowledgement to that site. "Tauihi gives recognition to the district’s voyaging ancestors who settled our turquoise beads. This is a theme that will become more apparent as we move towards 2019, 250 years since the arrival of the Endeavour. The palm trees have been planted where additional sculptures were proposed in the original landscaping plan. Their removal opens up this significant area for alignment with the Tairawhiti Navigations project," says Mr Smail.

Once again the summer has flown by much faster than I thought possible. I make plans, certain projects that seem 'Summerperfect' and only a few come to fruition. One favorite ongoing project is the memory project. There are certain memories from our childrens' childhood that are classics. They are the ones someone is bound to bring up at family gatherings, "Remember the time we ..."

Some were planned and some just happened. I have more time with the grandkids and take great delight in developing adventures and memories to hold on to.

We made a few over the summer, from the planting of certain flowers and watching them bloom to the introduction of lychee nuts in their spidery, scary raw form.

The trip was Nya's first train trip. The autotrain was made to order for making memories. We left in the middle of the night and drove to Lorton, Va. Nya was fascinated as she watched them load our van onto the train. The ride is from 4 p.m. Friday and an arrival at 9:30 a.m. Saturday, in Sanford, Fla.

There is a community feel to train travel that delights me. We quickly got to know our neighbors from Connecticut. David and Jossetta Andrews and their three children, Corin, Caylee and Cash were on their first trip to Disneyworld. The grownups chatted and we settled everyone in. Toddler Cash giggled and shouted Disneyworld. It was Caylee that sealed the friendship. After talking to Nya and admiring her afro puffs and beads, Caylee wrote a note to Nya that said: "Do you want to be my friend? Circle one, yes or no" They were coloring buddies for the rest of the trip.
Nya giggled along the wobbly walks to the bathroom, the lounge car to play Uno and war and the dining car. She was pleasantly surprised that we were having dinner on the train car that looked like a restaurant with tables and linen napkins and very good food. Nya tasted my braised beef sirloin, her grandfathers' lemon pepper cod and decided her chicken tenders were the best. Our server was Kevin Clement , a wonderfully kind and efficient young man, who made it seem his only wish was to serve Nya as he balanced trays with grace. We toasted: "Here's to you, kid!" with chardonnay for Andy and I and apple juice for Nya. We renamed the autotrain the dream train as we settled in for the night.

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The business of making prayer beads

Koonammavu is a small village on the NH 17 a few kilometers to the north of Kochi. This village, however, is on the global business map, thanks to a cottage industry – rosary-making.People of Koonammavu proudly call their village ‘little Rome’ as it ships the prayer beads all over India and abroad. “Wherever there are Christians, there are rosaries from Koonammavu,” claims Ravi Jose Thannikot, who owns a shop that sells rosaries and other items of religious use.

Mr. Thannikot is one of Koonammavu’s many entrepreneurs who procures beads, thread and wire from parts of North India and supplies them to women in the village. The women return finished rosaries for a pay and these are sold locally or exported by him. Mr. Thannikot says around 2,000 women from Koonammavu and surrounding areas bring him finished rosaries. Twelve women are employed full-time on his staff too.

“If you’re an expert you can finish one rosary of 59 beads in under 10 minutes,” says Swapna, who works at the store and makes rosaries in her spare time too. Young girls here learn how to make rosaries from their friends at school and older siblings at a young age. Even those who don’t make rosaries for a living have learnt the craft from their friends as children. They may start making rosaries to help out at home and soon become experts. Swapna’s mother-in-law has been making rosaries for several decades now. She is an expert on the ‘thudal kettu,’ a complicated chain link usually seen in gold chains that these women complete with nothing but a wire and pliers. She gets Rs.7 for each rosary she makes with the ‘thudal kettu.’ A rosary on wire can fetch the women Rs.3.50 each and the thread rosary Rs.1.60. These sell in the market for Rs.15 or more.

The cottage industry helps women supplement the family’s income. “Those who need the money spend longer hours making rosaries. People do it according to their need,” says Mr. Thannikot. Some in the village also make rosaries as a service. These are usually handed over to the church when complete. “Rosary-making was started off by nuns here almost 150 years ago to empower local women. A lady from Kollam was brought in to teach a few women here how to make rosaries. These women taught others and now everyone here makes rosaries,” says Fr. Cherian Kuniyanthodath of the St. Joseph’s CMI monastery at Koonammavu. What started off as a cottage industry is now a big business at Koonammavu. Women from Koonammavu who married into families in other parts of the city also practice their craft there. “There are many people here who have come out of poverty and prospered in life through the business of jewelry findings,” says Fr. Kuniyanthodath. Rosaries in different materials and patterns have now in the market. Those produced in factories in China have also made their way to Koonammavu. But for thousands of women here, the prayer beads are a way to good fortune and a better life.

Walking as quickly as she could in her sequined silver high-heel boots, Electra City stalked down Bourbon Street on Sunday afternoon, heading for the start of the Southern Decadence parade. Although she was in a hurry, the drag queen couldn’t help stopping whenever someone wanted to snap a picture.

She was an obvious target for anyone with a camera, starting with her towering orange-and-pink wig and the orange and pink boas that hung from her shoulders, front and back, encircling her torso but not quite hiding her sequined mini-dress. Despite the 90-degree heat and wiltingly high humidity, she wore three pairs of black tights.

In the 15-minute procession through the French Quarter, led by flamboyantly clad grand marshals Tami Tarmac and Venus Santiago, some did their bit for drag culture by donning stunning costumes and teetering on stilettos, while others were barely costumed at all.

Most marchers were men, some of whom wore ill-advised Speedos and nothing else, but there were several groups of women. One bewigged member of the Yes Girls managed to poke fun at two groups at once – fundamentalist religious groups who had opposed the gay-themed observance in past years and overly fashion-conscious people – by carrying a giant placard reading, “God Hates Your Outfit.”

Among the conventionally clothed marchers were the members of the Pair-o’-Dice Tumblers Brass Band, who played, without a hint of irony, the Doors’ hit “People Are Strange.”

The Pussyfooters, a marching group, fit right into the extravagant sensibility of the event, with their pink and orange costumes and wigs the color of cotton candy. Unlike other participants who merely walked along the route, they danced, keeping time to a Katy Perry song that boomed out of speakers on the back of a truck.

“I love this parade,” said one member, Sharon Novak, 48, of Mandeville. “I’m glad I’m here. I’m all about crystal beads wholesale.”That was a reference to the equal-sign bit of face paint that she and many other marchers, as well as spectators, sported. It’s the logo of the Human Rights Campaign, an advocacy group supporting equal rights for gay men and lesbians that had a pop-up store on Bourbon Street.

Although the event was billed as a parade, it was more like a giant receiving line because marchers kept breaking ranks to exchange hugs and air kisses with friends along the way. Rod Lemaire, an Afro-wig-wearing New Orleans expatriate who lives in San Francisco, stopped frequently to greet old friends – people he wouldn’t have time to see because he was heading for the airport as soon as the parade ended.

But Elvira West Nile, Queen of the Damned, stopped simply because marching in golden stilettos was just too much for feet accustomed to flats.“Hear that?” she said, leaning against a lamppost. “That’s the sound of my blisters popping.”

The epicenter of the action Sunday afternoon was the intersection of Bourbon and St. Ann streets, where loud, pulsating music poured out of amplifiers from the balconies of Oz and Bourbon Pub & Parade, gay bars that are across Bourbon Street from each other.

Their balconies, as well as another one across St. Ann, were packed with people – mostly men – who tossed beads to the throngs who packed the intersection, clamoring for trinkets. Following the example of what some women do at Mardi Gras to get beads, one man lifted his T-shirt – and was rewarded with a purple necklace.Observing it all on St. Ann Street, steps away from the thickest of the crowd, was James-Michael Cox, 24, a New Orleanian who was having a fine time watching humanity and waiting for the parade to make its way to that part of the Vieux Carre.

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It's the secret to saving a marriage

I'VE discovered that the date, an ancient ritual involving two well-dressed people going out together for romantic purposes, is the Holy Grail for married couples with children. For those of you who have not yet experienced marriage and parenthood, let me explain. Marriage is about love and togetherness and all the other stuff they obsess about on the Disney Channel. But in real life, marriage is about compromise. Sometimes you get to do what you really enjoy.

And sometimes you get to do, um, other stuff. Right now some single person is saying, "Oh my God, his wife is going to kill him for writing that!" Married people? They're simply smiling, nodding and saying "Amen." How do I know? Because single people, bless their hearts, are still getting their way. The special person in their life isn't requiring compromise. Once the wedding happens, though, the mask will come off. Not necessarily because that new spouse is evil - well, sometimes it's because they're evil. But mostly, it's because genuine relationships require give and turquoise beads.

Maybe you liked to sleep on the right side of the bed, but now that you're married, you've discovered that your spouse likes that side, too. No biggie. You switch sides because you love them. About a month in, you discover another major difference: Your spouse is a morning person, while you are a night owl. Again, no problem. You're both willing to quiet down during your most productive hours because, well, your spouse is your Snookums, and you love them just that much.

Inside that first year, you discover that one of you is a little more, um, frisky than the other. One of you compromises, and that, boys and girls, is how children are born. Fast-forward five years. The two of you have been tired since the day your first child arrived. Now you've got several of the little buggers. Your sleep pattern is wrecked, you're grouchy more often than not, and for half a decade you've been compromising not only for your spouse, but also for the children. This, boys and girls, is how divorces are born. How do you avoid that fate? You go on dates. Lots of them. Because dates help you remember why you were willing to compromise in the first place. They remind you of what made you love Snookums enough to sign papers.

They help you to hold on to your sanity. So why do married couples neglect their duty to date? I can answer that in one word: kids. A few years ago, when Eve was old enough to realize what LaVeta and I were about to do when we dressed up in the evening, she began trying to sabotage our dates. It's not that she didn't want us to go anywhere. She didn't want us to go anywhere without her. The first time Eve faked a sniffle LaVeta fell for it hook, line and sinker, because LaVeta's a mom, and moms cancel dates for sick kids. The second time, we went out anyway, because I was able to convince LaVeta that Eve would be OK. By the third time, even Little Solomon was starting to become part of the scheme. We saw the pattern, and that's when we knew.

We could no longer give our kids advance warning about our dates. In a fit of desperation, I began to date my wife like I was Austin Powers - a poor man's parody of Bond . . . James Bond. I'd send her secret text messages: "Do I make you randy baby? Yeah, baby, yeah!" I'd swear restaurant personnel to secrecy: "No one must know we have reservations here tonight. Our children might find out! The big one's Dr. Evil, and the little one? He's Mini-Me." I was so convinced that secret-agent dating was the way to go that I'd pick up LaVeta wearing a bob haircut, a Nehru jacket and China beads, praying all the while that the kids wouldn't recognize me and start that infernal sniffling. OK, maybe I didn't wear the bob haircut - primarily because I don't have hair.

But make no mistake: I would've done it if it meant going out on a date with my Snookums. Unfortunately, I became less careful over the years. I fooled myself into believing that our children had accepted our need to date. This Saturday, while preparing to go to a high-school class reunion barbecue, I learned that that wasn't the case. "Haven't you gone on enough dates?" Little Solomon asked when we told him of our plans. He was alluding to the four days I recently spent with LaVeta while he and Eve stayed with relatives.

It was kind of uplifting and it supported what a friend was telling me about her own children’s expensive Catholic education, and their sense of being let down by leaders who have loudly professed their Christianity but make no effort to hold up its principles.

So expensive Catholic education is not just about social connections, a good university degree and a fancy car by the time you are 30. Principles manage to seep through. Hooray. Maybe the young will save the world after all.

Why is it left to a few high school students to shine a torch at wholly unchristian behaviour by adults who wear their religion like some kind of exclusive fashion garment that screams look at me look at me, god is my best mate.

I pick on Christianity because it is what I am familiar with. Having been educated by nuns at a time when only Catholics went to heaven, I still kind of expect that Jesus would demand a lot from the believers. At least you’d expect him to insist on some understanding of his teachings before he opened those exclusive gates to the likes of Abbott etc....

But it seems Christians of the Catholic sort are too busy doing other things to give much time to the moral compass. And other Christians are not much better. Everyone is just so busy these days.

It’s not that I have an enormous amount of love for disadvantaged humankind - I haven’t practised formal religion for 40 years so I don’t have to love anybody - I just want keepers of the moral high ground to do their job.

If you want to prostitute yourself for money and power that’s okay, but at least take off the religious habit and the rosary beads otherwise you look as wrong as a nun doing a bit of prostitution at the back of the pub in full religious clobber.

I hate god botherers who have no idea how hypocritical they are...the person that spews hate at all sorts of people, especially the usual targets - gays, Muslims, boat people etc - then puts on a beatific face to attend a church service or to tell you about the wonders of Jesus.

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Jaguar’s F-type offers a sensational ride

It’s not such a bad thing that Jaguar’s newest offering comes with a sturdy grab handle, conveniently located on the passenger side of the centre console.

That it’s jovially referred to as a suicide handle is not something my passenger found quite so amusing, despite my best effort at a calming discussion about how the F-type sports car’s technology is so good it’s virtually impossible to unseat the beast, even while proceeding very, very quickly round some rather tight tree-lined bends.It’s not that I aim to terrorise passengers, although my mother would argue the contrary.

But decisions have to be weighed, and choices made. And when you’ve been given carriage of the iconic brand’s first sports car since the E-type, when the sun is shining, the wattle is in bloom and the roads are that stellar blend of isolated and curly, sometimes you have to sacrifice the passenger. Not literally, obviously – mine made it out alive, albeit extracting herself from the rather low-slung but surprisingly comfortable seat declaring: “I think I can actually see beads of sweat on my palms.”

The F-type has taken Jaguar four years to develop and is unlike anything you’d expect. Wide and short, the profile is sleek and agate beads, without any echo of other sports cars you see on the road. It takes a while to get used to the styling, but as much as I cringe at the suggestion, it’s a car a woman could drive without looking like a terrifying alpha-female.

The V8 model sits in roughly the same bucket as the Porsche 911 Carrera, the Audi R8 or the Aston Martin Vantage, and will set you back a little over $200,000. Its base (Jag say “foundation”) V6 model starts around the $138,000 mark, but the middle sibling, the V6S, is what I used to freak out my passenger on that sunny autumn day.The lighter V6 engine means weight is better distributed and gives a more even handling experience. All have whip-quick steering, and I didn’t mind the extra weight of the F-Types compared with others in the market.

Yes it’s a 3.0 litre engine against the V8’s 5.0 litre, and yes it’s “only” got 280 nags, while the big brother has 364 kilowatts, but when it gets down to it, the V6S gives a great ride in the city and importantly sounds almost as good.Hit the gas, push the tacho towards red and bask momentarily in the supercharged squeal of the engine. It makes you smile in the same way reaching the highest point on the rollercoaster does: adrenaline, satisfaction and expectation of even better things to come.

Ease your foot off the throttle and the engine noise detonates.Without being dramatic, do this somewhere like Sydney’s Lane Cove tunnel and there is no better feeling. I’m pretty sure I squealed. As did the driver in the Aston Martin sitting on my tail. And yes, it gave me a bout of “I’m actually surprised to be saying it but I like my car better than your car” smugness.

Jaguar uses a system which cuts fuel to three of the six cylinders in its S series engines as revs drop, then drip-feeding in petrol to generate hundreds of mini-explosions as the fuel and Beads factory.It’s probably the thing I like best about the F-type, but there are other features which kept me equally amused. Let’s not forget the air-conditioning vents that remain hidden in the dash to ensure more of the “cockpit” feel, rising like submarines only when you need air.

While it could be considered mere folly, the door handles are designed to sit flush so as not to ruin the car’s profile. Coincidentally, the system doubles as a deterrent for anyone thinking about carjacking.To that end, the boot has an illuminated internal toggle which releases the boot latch on the off-chance you, or one of the kids, gets stuck inside.I openly doubted how much use it would be, given a grown adult would probably have to be dismembered to fit in the “compact” luggage hold.

You read somewhere on your reading-machine that years ago Brian De Palma made a movie, Passion. Every muckety-muck at some film festival jeered it, and the movie vanished, and now, a lifetime later, it's been rediscovered, released at last, reappraised and roundly toasted and available for you to enjoy on your laptop or flatscreen or your reading machine, which nobody uses to read anymore.

Here's an early expression of concern that what we mostly see in our lives are screens, often screens showing screens, except for those moments when we're staring into cameras—you know, during sex. Here's paranoid sex-video stealing. Here's once outré bedroom gear—Eyes Wide Shut masks, a red-licorice strap-on, a string of anal beads as chromed and wide as trailer hitches—in a film that's less sexually explicit than most cable TV shows.

 Here's a familiar, bravura split-screen sequence recalling Dressed to Kill in its pairing of high art (this time ballet) and kinky stalking, but this time the effect seems less a new way of seeing than an acknowledgement of how we see already: With your web browser open, and the movie itself only taking up half of your device's display, your screen is already split. De Palma trisects it.

Here's '90s Cinemax After Dark's idea of lesbianism, and some sexy saxophone pillow music (from Pino Donaggio) that sounds like the tears of a Nagel print. Here are sumptuously lit corridors and staircases of the sort that are forever turning up in thrillers that aspire to the psychological (and Mel Brooks's High Anxiety), the kind where the architecture is meant to suggest a disoriented mind. And here at last—a little later than would be ideal—is a '70s De Palma murder, and then the wee brunette with the dry-crackle voice sinks into a drugged-out, wrongly accused plot recalling that Steven Soderbergh thing you saw on TCM last week, Side Effects, the one that ground that other girl with the dragon tattoo through something like the same pharmaceutical Hitchcockisms.

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Hardy Back At FINA World Championships

At the 2012 London Olympics Jessica Hardy brought home a pair of Olympic medals, winning gold in the 4x100 medley relay and a bronze in the 4x100 freestyle relay. She also competed in the 50 meter and 100 meter freestyle, reaching the finals in both events but finishing shy of the medal stand.with Wholesale Cheap Custom Keychain and promotional key tags. Whats noticeably absent from that dance card is her signature event, the breaststroke.

Hardy is the world record holder in both the 50-meter and 100-meter breaststroke, setting those marks on the same day in August 2009. This weekend shell begin competition at the FINA World Championships in Barcelona, Spain, attempting to reassert her dominance over the two races.

It has been a nice change of pace to change up training breaststroke and freestyle, said Hardy. I have loved trying to grow my sprint free into being as competitive as possible, but breaststroke is a much more natural stroke for me and I excel at it a bit easier. I am really excited to be competing it again internationally, and feel really confident because of my past successes.

Last month in Indianapolis, Hardy qualified rather comfortably at the World Championship Trials. She was the top qualifier in the 50, setting a new national long course record with a 30.24 in the final. In the 100, Breeja Larson took the top qualifying spot in 1:06.16 with Hardy finishing .33 behind her in second place.

The London Olympics notwithstanding, Hardy has had success in the breaststroke beyond just her world records.Soft Winbo Key Cover decorates your key in fashionable ways. She has won seven different World Championship medals in the breaststroke alone, winning gold four times along the way, including most recently at the 2011 Worlds in Shanghai. For this competition in Barcelona, she will only be competing in the breaststroke, which has made training for the competition a bit different.

It is weird to not be training two strokes during this time between our trials and Worlds, but it is really nice to spend the time focusing in on technique, Hardy said.

Now 26, Hardy will be one of the more experienced swimmers in the competition. She says she enjoys the role of being a veteran, and it will allow her to feel more comfortable in her surroundings. Barcelona will be her eighth World Championships since her first appearance in 2005 and she has won at least two medals in each of her first seven trips.

As for the outlook for this competition, the focus remains intently on winning, along with an additional desire to post times that are close to her existing world record marks.

I have some time goals in mind, but definitely it is all about the race, said Hardy. I want to place as highly as possible in all of my events, and if I can approach the times that I have in mind it would be a cherry on top!

Though the two-week competition started late last week, the swimming portion wont get underway until this weekend. Hardys first action was yesterday as she qualified in the 100m and will be in the finals set for Tuesday. Then shell have a few days off before the 50m, which runs August 3-4. The she will be among the favorites in both races and clearly has the pedigree to win both, but shell get to save her best race for last.

I think the 50 has traditionally been my strongest distance, Hardy said. I am naturally very fast twitch and do very well at the shortest/fastest races.Online shopping for Business Work Card holder from a great selection of Office Products. However, I have spent a lot of time working on pacing and finishing my 100s as well, so my hopes are high in that race as well.

And why wouldnt hopes be high? Shes on a familiar stage with the confidence that comes from years of experience, and shes competing in the races where shes most comfortable and is most successful. When Jessica Hardy is at her best there is nobody faster.

King's comments are the latest futile attempt by a group of dead enders to reverse the demographic and cultural changes that are sweeping the United States. Because of rapid Latino population growth, the US Census Bureau estimates that whites will be a minority group nationally within forty years. Texas is already has a white minority and California is on the verge.

The state of Texas is doing everything it can to make sure that Anglos continue to hold political power in the face of this Latino demographic tsunami. Texas won't have any more success stopping back Latino power than King Canute had holding back the tide.

Last week, Attorney General Eric Holder asked a federal court to require Texas to get judicial permission before making changes in voting procedures in that state. The GOP Attorney General of Texas, Greg Abbott - who is also running for governor to replace Rick Perry - announced last month that he would implement a new law requiring Texans to show a state issued identification card before they vote.

This Texas plan - like other stricter voter requirements in other states - are laws in search of a crime. There have been few proven cases of voter fraud in Texas or anywhere else for that matter. In response to a request from the state of Texas, a federal court last year vetoed the voter ID plan because it "imposes strict, unforgiving burdens on the poor and racial majorities in Texas."

The US Supreme Court's decision last month to invalidate Section 4 of the Voting Rights Act ended the pre-clearance procedure that required Texas and many other states to clear changes in voting law with the Department of Justice. But Section 3 of the law stands and it allows the Justice Department to ask federal courts to pre-clear any state attempts to change voting requirements.
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New York Jets

John Idzik officially became cautious to a fault on Saturday, when his insistence on portraying the Jets as a unified organization in which all decisions are made collectively and collaboratively instead undermined his own head coach.

Idzik, appearing at a press conference for the first time since the draft, turned a routine question about his role in determining the Jets' starting quarterback situation into his first brushfire as general manager by saying coach Rex Ryan would not have the final choice in the matter.

"It's a collaborative effort, guys," said Idzik, who used the word "collective" three times and "collaborative" twice in answering four questions about the decision-making process at quarterback. "It's not how it seems, that you wake up one morning and everyone"s waiting out with baited breath on someone with the scroll."

And so instead of simply saying what 31 other general managers would have said -- that Ryan decides who does and doesn't play -- Idzik left everyone to parse his statements, which qualifies as an amusing irony given that everything Idzik says seems to have been put through a colander in order to remove any semblance of anything interesting.

Was Idzik, a first-time general manager inheriting a roster and a franchise in disarray, merely being overly careful and trying to portray himself as a detail-oriented unifier who appreciates the input of every member of the organization?

"It's going to be a collective opinion - we're going to hash it out," Idzik said. "And it's not limited to quarterbacks. I know that's front stage and center, but it's every position, everything that we do. And it could be discussing schemes, different approaches to training camp. I think you have noticed that we changed our schedule around a little bit. We'll discuss everything.O

Or was Idzik beginning the seemingly inevitable process of nudging Ryan aside? Ryan is coming off consecutive non-winning seasons and entering the penultimate year of his contract under a new general manager. In other words: He's got an uphill climb if he hopes to keep his job beyond this season.

"There is so much that goes into it and it is not going to be a surprise to anyone in the room," Idzik said. "There is a lot if input -- there is input from our offensive staff, there is input from our scouts, there will be input from, of course, me, and Rex."

Idzik wasn't the only person who had his words carefully scrutinized over the weekend. Ryan, in full self-preservation mode, insisted the Jets have always exercised collaboration when determining the lineup.

My parents may disagree but I think for the most part we did as we were told and didn't expect much in return. I don't recall having to be bribed into doing anything.Well my friends, times have changed. While raising my own children I have come to understand that at times we need to use a little encouragement.

My eldest son was and still is quite unorganized. He would lose everything! In the middle of winter, he would come home, unpack his bag and would be missing shoes and his coat. Okay, so don't you think you may have noticed as you walked out of school in February that you were missing something? I tried everything to make it worth while for him to keep track of his stuff. There were the dimes in the jar if he remembered, points in order to earn something he wanted, and of course punishment if he forgot. Nothing worked. I resorted to natural consequences. Forgot your homework at home? Sorry, this bus doesn't stop at school. Forgot that you needed your swim cap and goggles for the State Swim meet? Guess you'll borrow someone else's or blind yourself with eyes full of chlorine. I know, kind of harsh, but I was out of ideas and patience.

Thankfully, dogs seem to be a bit more eager to please and not nearly as forgetful. It's all about making an association. Victoria Stilwell, of "It's Me or The Dog'' is one of my favorite dog trainers. She always uses a positive approach. The phrase that rings in my head that she always uses, in her British accent, is "you want your dog to understand that when he does something you want him to, good things happen to him.''. Those good things maybe food, a toy, some petting, or simply verbal praise. Whatever motivates your dog.

She also talks about catching your dog in the act of doing something you like or want him to do, even if you have not asked him to do it. Soon,with Wholesale Cheap Custom Keychain and promotional key tags. you can put a verbal cue with it and bingo, they think, if I do this, I get what I want. It really is not so far off from how we teach our children.Soft Winbo Key Cover decorates your key in fashionable ways.

So then comes those people that rebutt with, ''I don't want to always carry around a treat or toy to get them to do what I want.''. Neither do I. I'm not excited about constantly smelling like the Oscar Meyer weiner, but if that's what it takes to make that good behavior a habit, I'll sacrifice myself. That is truly how you change any behavior, even with people. Exercise and eating right doesn't happen overnight. We start practicing, and little by little it becomes a habit and we can't fathom how we ever ate all of that junk before.

So, do what you have to do to get the results you want. When you feel your dog has a solid understanding of what is expected, start treating less frequently. They may give you the, ''Hello..Online shopping for Business Work Card holder from a great selection of Office Products..I did what you wanted, know where's my reward'' look at first, and that's okay. Give them a scratch behind the ear or a ''good boy'' and keep going. Surprise them every once in awhile with a reward. Keep them guessing which time you'll treat. That way they are always on their best behavior.
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The Bible says that God spoke to Job from a whirlwind, asking him rhetorically if he could catch the giant sea creature Leviathan with only a fishing hook. "Can you make a pet of him like a bird," Job was asked, "or put him on a leash for your children?"The United States faces a task of roughly the same magnitude, that of taming this country's mega-banks. They're the sea monsters of the economy, waiting to lure entire nations into the depths, and regulators don't have much more to work with than a fishing hook.

Dodd/Frank's moderate prescriptions are being eviscerated by hack Republicans who've been bought off lock, stock, and barrel by the bankers. Other urgently-needed reforms are dismissed by leaders in both parties as "politically impossible": A restoration of Glass/Steagall. A financial transaction tax. Breaking up the too-big-to-fail banks.Politically impossible? They're popular with voters across the political spectrum. Why aren't they already the law of the land?

Here's why: Republicans are in Wall Street's hip pocket. As for the White House, this is from Ezra Klein's coverage of Lawrence Summers' candidacy for Federal Reserve chair: "the White House ... (is) getting feedback from fans of Summers, who are ... very present in the ranks of economic and Wall Street heavyweights who've worked or fundraised at high levels in Democratic administrations."The "banknado" metaphor may seem too flippant, too informal, given the gravity of the problem. But banker fraud's been described in dispassionate detail again and again. There have been countless expressions of fully-justified outrage at the amorality and immorality of Wall Street CEOs and their Washington enablers.

Nothing's changed. The evidence is overwhelming, the case is clear, but business goes on as usual.How many times can Wall Street's fraud be clinically described, its effects on the economy laid out on the table like an autopsy? How many times can practical solutions be proposed, only to be dismissed by bought-off politicians? How many times can bankers like Jamie Dimon be called out for crimes committed under their leadership, only to see them lionized once again in Washington and the mainstream media?

What is there to say that hasn't been said? Outrage marginalizes the outraged, giving policymakers one more excuse to dismiss their warnings and prescriptions.Online shopping for Business Work Card holder from a great selection of Office Products. It can also trigger a level of reader rage toward bankers that is sometimes disturbing.The goal is to change a broken system, not to trigger vengeful emotions toward individuals. Miscreant bank executives are simply responding to the incentives society has given them. Yes, they're behaving venally -- but as the fable of the scorpion and the frog says: It's their nature. Perhaps they would be better citizens and better human beings if we didn't reward them so handsomely for being so much less than that.with Wholesale Cheap Custom Keychain and promotional key tags.

And so Wall Street moves on, a whirlwind of razor teeth and predatory instinct. Bankers commit fraud, settle for billions paid with other people's money, then commit the very same crimes again. Why not? Their financial incentives encourage it.And who's stopping them? The writers and activists who catalog their crimes are marginalized as radicals, scolds, and bores. The ones who strike a "moderate" tone help perpetuate a climate in which their behavior continues unchecked.

If Wall Street's not reined in, it's only a matter of time before there's another crisis. What the government describes as a "recovery" is fragile at best, and includes ongoing depression for millions of people. There could be another banker-driven financial crisis at any moment.Our leaders stand motionless, one hand covering their eyes and the other outstretched for cash. Too many financial journalists are hypnotized by the charismatic glow of great wealth and power. Meanwhile the sky's growing darker -- and the forecast calls for sharks.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), Americas largest and most powerful Muslim advocacy group, called Saturday for the Obama administration to condemn military attacks against the Freedom and Justice Party, the controversial religious party removed from power in a recent coup that the Obama administration is insisting was not a coup.

The administration reportedly fears that declaring a coup detat in Egypt would force the U.S. to suspend all of its assistance programs in the country,Soft Winbo Key Cover decorates your key in fashionable ways. which also help block weapons smuggling to Hamas terrorists in the Gaza Strip.

Despite the Obama administrations inaction, Egyptian military forces have instituted a shoot-to-kill policy to suppress protesters urging the return of Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohammed Morsi to power. Morsi, who fled Cairo during the military non-coup earlier this month, has been defiant in exile and Egypt hangs in the balance. 65 or 66 pro-Morsi protesters were killed Saturday by military forces near a sit-in at a Cairo mosque.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nations largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization, today called on the Obama administration to forcefully condemn the killing of dozens of pro-democracy demonstrators by Egyptian security forces, according to a statement released by the group Saturday.

We join with those in Egypt and in the international community who are condemning the violence, including Sheikh of Al-Azhar Ahmed al-Tayyeb, who said he deplores and condemns the deaths of a number of martyrs who were victims of todays events, CAIR stated.

Condemnations came from across the political spectrum, including from Mohamed ElBaradei, who strongly condemned the excessive use of force. British Foreign Secretary William Hague said: I call on the Egyptian authorities to respect the right of peaceful protest, to cease the use of violence against protesters, including live fire, and to hold to account those responsible, CAIR stated.

Without a clear condemnation of the killings, we send the message that even more repressive measures may be taken against the demonstrators. The clearest indicator of our nations revulsion at the killings would be to suspend all American military aid until the violence stops and democratic freedoms are restored, CAIR stated.
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For the love of music

When Janet Standeford was 7 years old, she would press her ear to her familys quiet radio, listen, and sing. She sang as a child, and learned to play accordion.Years later I picked up a guitar and its been an uphill battle since, she said with a laugh. I fell in love with the guitar. Now I hope to learn the electric guitar.

Though she usually plays 12-string acoustic guitar, she took advantage of the auction at the Blues at the Brewery music festival, and bought a six-string Gibson for $80.Standeford, who currently lives in Baker City but is in Klamath Falls working at Experience Works, decided to come to the Klamath Blues Societys annual event for the first time Saturday.

The festival has been at Veterans Memorial Park in past years, but this year moved to a more rural setting at Mia and Pias brewery between Klamath Falls and Merrill. Organizer Phyllis Faries said the new location worked well, with summer breezes wafting through in the afternoon.Online shopping for Business Work Card holder from a great selection of Office Products. The only challenge was shade. Canopies shaded people while they sat, but if they wanted to dance they had to do so in the sun.

Faries called the Blues at the Brewerys music lineup fantastic.Local band Nephilim started off the festival, followed by Central Point band Mercy. In between that set and the next, Jasmine Zangari, the Klamath Union High School grad receiving the blues societys scholarship this year, played a mash-up of Purple Haze and Sonata in E Minor by Bernhard Romberg on her cello. Last was the headliner, Cee Cee James and her band.

Faries compared James belting voice to Janice Joplin. The band performed at the Klamath blues festival in 2009. After placing in the semifinals of the International Blues Challenge in Nashville, James toured Europe and lived in Tennessee. She now lives in Grants Pass.Those who came to the festival came for the love of music, and the love of blues.I love blues, always loved the blues, said Pamela Thompson, of Klamath Falls. The beat. The rhythm. It makes you want to get up and move.

Fantastic bands, added Loren King, of Klamath Falls.For $9 you cant beat it, chimed in Van Johnson, of Malin.Music adds a lot of happiness, said Zangari, the KU grad who received the blues society scholarship. She will be going to Western Oregon University to study nursing.with Wholesale Cheap Custom Keychain and promotional key tags. Playing on cello, or singing, itll lift your mood no matter what age you are. Why do people listen to music? It makes them feel better.

A year later, more questions than answers remain. But the police investigation is closed, and aspects of Hughes' and Jackson's deaths will probably always be unfathomable, especially to those who knew and loved the young men.This much is known: A former classmate from Patrick Henry High School in Minneapolis dropped Jackson and Hughes off on an empty Summit-University street. He later said that he saw the handle of a gun in Jackson's waistband and heard a "pow" as he drove away. Police found Police believe Jackson killed Hughes. Jackson had untreated schizophrenia, "which most likely played a significant role" in what happened, said Sgt. Paul Dunnom, the lead investigator. "However, since he is dead, we will never know the answer to that question."

Jackson's family says they don't know what happened to Hughes. They were desperate to get help for Jackson, who was 22 when he died, and they think more treatment should be available to the mentally ill."He wouldn't take his medicine," Frances Jackson said. "I used to say, 'Let's break it up and put it in his orange juice,' " but they didn't because they didn't want to deceive him. Police found a 9mm handgun under Jackson's leg. A forensic scientist at the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension's laboratory determined that it was the one used to fire the bullets found in Jackson's and Hughes' bodies and the spent casings recovered on Fuller Avenue and Charles Street, a police report said.

DNA from several surfaces of the gun, including the trigger and muzzle, matched Jackson's. Neither Hughes' nor Ondieki's DNA was on the gun, a police report said. The gun, with an altered serial number, had not been reported stolen, a report said.One friend told police he'd "never seen Jackson with a gun and added 'nobody would give him a gun' and referred to Jackson's mental health," a police report said.

Dunnom said the gun's last legal owner was unknown; where and how Jackson got the gun wasn't the focus of Dunnom's investigation.Soft Winbo Key Cover decorates your key in fashionable ways. A check of a law enforcement database didn't match it to any other crimes, Dunnom said.Jackson's mother told police that her son's friends said the gun was given to her son and/or Hughes by a friend; she didn't know why, a report said.It wasn't the first time a gun had figured into Jackson's and Hughes' lives.

They were charged as teens in 2007 with having a gun in a Minneapolis park. Hughes said he'd bought it for $100 for protection, and Jackson asked to see it and put it in his own backpack, according to juvenile petitions.
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A newcomer tries its hand at Android tablets

Hisense, a company best known for its home theater equipment, isn't exactly a name synonymous with mobile devices. But with its new, Walmart-exclusive line of Android tablets -- the Sero 7 LT and Sero 7 Pro -- the Chinese manufacturer is dipping its toe into an increasingly crowded pool. Both tablets occupy the budget end of the spectrum, with the higher-end of the two, the Sero 7 Pro, going for a reasonable $150. For the price, the specs are decent: the Sero comes with a 1,280 x 800 display, a quad-core Tegra 3 processor and Android 4.2 Jelly Bean. We dove headfirst into this bargain buy to see how it fares against similarly priced 7-inch tablets. Want to find out if Hisense has the chops to compete? Read on, friends.Soft Winbo Key Cover decorates your key in fashionable ways.

Shopping for budget tablets is an exercise in managing one's expectations. With the Sero 7 Pro, Hisense seems to have strategically carved out its budget, using modest materials for the hardware. With dimensions of 7.87 x 4.95 x 0.43 inches, the Sero 7 is a comfortably sized tablet that feels fairly sturdy in-hand. And at 12.7 ounces, it's not the lightest Android tablet on the block either, but the slight heft does add to that feeling of durability. Design-wise, the plastic backing is textured to to provide a decent grip, and the coppery hue looks more expensive than it is, especially in sunlight. Hisense seemed determined to prove that inexpensive materials don't necessarily correlate with an inexpensive aesthetic; the Sero 7's clean lines make for a nice-looking budget device.

Continuing our tour, the power button is located near the top of the device on the right-hand side, right above the volume rocker. Both are made from black plastic that feels a bit flimsy, especially compared to that textured backing. Along the top you'll find mini-HDMI and micro-USB and ports, a covered microSD slot (which can handle up to 32GB), a 3.5mm headphone jack and a pinhole microphone. The HDMI-out is a nice touch, and it worked adequately when we paired it with a Sony HDTV to watch a few high-quality YouTube videos (included, we're not proud to admit, the "Sad Cat Diary" more than once). Should you decide to add the Sero 7 Pro to your gadget collection, you'll be happy to know that USB on-the-go is enabled, allowing you to use it with a flash drive, keyboard or mouse.

Out of the box, you'll find a sticker near the bottom of the device's backing, marking off the area where the NFC sensor lives. Right beneath that are two small stereo speakers (more on those later). An embossed Hisense logo sits in the middle, while a 5MP rear facing camera and its accompanying light sensor sit near the uppermost edge. Also included are GPS, Bluetooth and 5GHz 802.11n. Lastly, the tablet comes with 8GB of internal storage space, so that microSD port will almost surely come in handy.

While the Sero 7's hardware might lack a certain pizzazz, the same can't be said about the 1,280 x 800 display. This is one area where Hisense decided to splurge. Colors appear vivid, with dimension and depth. Blacks, which so often turn gray on mobile devices, look deep and dark here, and the screen gets bright enough to sear your eyeballs (a useful quality in direct sunlight). Additionally, the 7-inch screen offers great viewing angles without losing much color vibrancy when looked at from the side with the device laying flat.

From the rainbow-hued landscape of Candy Crush Saga to the eye-popping bubblegum pinks of Nicki Minaj music videos (played in HD, of course), the Sero 7's display served up rich, vibrant colors. Similarly, videos played back smoothly and beautifully. Text, in Play Books and Chrome, was as crisp as you'd want it to be. For a budget tablet,Online shopping for Business Work Card holder from a great selection of Office Products. the display was nothing to shake a stick at, and we were left considerably impressed with its quality.

Unfortunately, the quality wasn't as consistent when we got to the Sero 7's sound. It's not that the audio coming from the device's dual speakers was bad. Not at all. Mobile speakers are what they are -- we weren't blown away by the Sero 7's audio capabilities, but they performed adequately, even at maximum volume. Tablet users are no strangers to the tinny effect that often accompanies their devices' audio, but it was less noticeable here than it was on a similarly priced tablet, the HP Slate 7. Dialogue and background music in movie previews played well, with the slight tinny echo more evident in songs that called for more bass than the Sero 7 could provide.

Our disappointment heightened when we tested the tablet with some headsets we had lying around. We discovered that the Sero 7 has pretty severe compatibility issues with more than its fair share of brands. When paired with Sony, Apple and Jabra earbuds, the Sero 7 didn't register that a headset had been inserted into the 3.5 mm jack, and the audio came out of the device's speakers as if our earbuds weren't even there. We had better luck with a pair of over-the-ear Panasonic headphones and Tylt Tunz earbuds. When the Sero 7 actually recognized that the headphone jack was in use, we were sufficiently pleased with the quality, which was rich and true on the songs we tested despite the lack of an EQ setting in the tablet's main menu. However, the compatibility issue might be problematic if you find yourself needed to run out to purchase brand new headphones to use with your device. No one wants to be bothered with that.

The Sero 7 comes Android 4.2.1, which means it's lacking some of the most recent Jelly Bean features we've come to know and love. Beyond that, the tablet is running an almost stock version of Android, with minimal skinning. There are a few apps preloaded to the device, some of which you might never use, but some which might actually prove beneficial to you. Because this is a Walmart exclusive, the Sero 7 is, of course, packing Walmart's own app, along with one for Sam's Club. If you're a Walmart shopper, that might be of use to you, but we simply shrugged and went on our merry way. If they're really bother you,Winbo custom keychain you can always uninstall them. Also loaded on the device are the VUDU Movies and TV app and Kingsoft, a Microsoft Office clone that lets you create and edit .doc, .xls and .txt files.

In addition to Chrome, Gmail, YouTube and other standard issue Google apps, the Sero 7 also includes TegraZone, an app store for NVIDIA optimized games (which, like VUDU, cannot be uninstalled since they're system apps). It's not a bad addition, considering the device's NVIDIA quad-core Tegra 3 processor, but again, how useful it is is entirely up to you. For Flash support, the regular ol' Android browser is available for when Chrome doesn't suit your needs. Curiously enough, there's also a TV remote app, though without an IR sensor, it has limited usability. Your TV needs to be hooked up the same WiFi network as your tablet.

Applications aside, there have been a few tweaks to the standard Android 4.2.1 package. On the bottom navigation bar, Hisense has added a screen capture icon to the three we're used to (recent, menu and back). If you're accustomed to Android devices, you'll probably find yourself taking a ton of accidental screenshots as you instinctively aim for the recently used apps icon (as we did), but it's actually a pretty neat feature. Some may see it as an unnecessary addition, but it's much easier than pressing the power and volume buttons down simultaneously to make screen grabs.
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Virus Causes Massive Shutdown

The entire computer network of a Cook County department was shut down for nearly two weeks last month after a virus infected the system, NBC5 Investigates and The Better Government Association have learned.The Cook County Department of Highway and Transportation is responsible for maintaining hundreds of miles of local highways. But it was the Information Superhighway which proved to be the departments recent undoing: NBC5 and the BGA have learned that someone C possibly a county employee surfing the Internet or using a flash drive from home C allowed a virus to enter the departments servers at its downtown offices in Chicago at 69 West Washington St. The virus quickly spread to all of the departments computers C both downtown and at remote sites -- renaming files and hiding legitimate work content.

Lafosse says it would be prohibitively expensive to track down where this particular virus started, or who might be to blame. However,Online shopping for Business Work Card holder from a great selection of Office Products. this episode has prompted county officials to discuss whether they should block outside portable drives, like USB and thumb drives, and improve monitoring and filters to prevent future problems, according to Kristen Mack, a spokeswoman for Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle, whose domain includes about 12,000 computers countywide C including those at the highway department.

But that may not be enough, according to technology security expert Carl Volkman. The Cook County virus was likely something called a drive-by virus C malware that anyone can get even when visiting a well-established website that seems totally safe, like a news site or a travel webpage.Drive-by is basically where the infection can come down without you actively clicking on something potentially harmful, Volkman says. You can get infected without doing anything proactive.

Its very weird to see how dependent we are on technology on a day-to-day basis, Lafosse said about the county virus. And to have that ripped from you is a shock to the department.In fact, hurricane season officially already started nearly two months ago, on June 1. On Monday evening, Graffiti Community Ministries, a Baptist church on E. Seventh St., held a seminar to help locals learn the basic steps to take before disaster strikes. Also participating in the program were representatives of the Project Hope Crisis Counseling Program, a community support and networking group formed after Hurricane Irene, and Ready New York, a campaign of the citys Office of Emergency Management.

The evening began with a discussion group facilitated by three Project Hope counselors from Henry Street Settlement on the Lower East Side, with 10 people from the neighborhood, who were all affected by Hurricane Sandy. They shared stories about their experiences, swapped cleanup tales, and talked about how they feel now.I saw water go up to 9 feet, she recalled. We had to replace the boiler in our building and all the electricity. Fortunately, we run the building ourselves. We had to spend all our money in our checking account for repairs.

Even after the replacement of the buildings vital services, the recovery process continued for a long time. There was mold to contend with, along with the loss of telephone and Internet service.Project Hope counselors urged community members to voice their concerns about future potential storms.Im still anxious about the building, said Mandel. The boiler is still in the basement, and were still very vulnerable. We have a good bunch of people in the building, but the weather, its not great, she added, with a laugh.

Mary Ting, a neighbor in Mandels building, explained that it took 14 years for them to renovate the buildings interior.Were sweat equity, and in that way, were always accustomed to doing, she said. We were down with candles right away [during Sandy], and that made us ahead of a lot of other places that were waiting for help.

Fred Seiden, and E. Seventh St. resident who has lived on the Lower East Side for 45 years, saw the water last Oct. 29 and panicked. He raised family photos up as high as he could, thinking the water was going to run into his apartment. The boiler in the basement and the buildings electrical wiring were destroyed.

In addition,Soft Winbo Key Cover decorates your key in fashionable ways. he said, The front wall holding up the building collapsed, and we worried the first week the first floor was going to fall.Workers were able to prop up the floor and rebuilt the wall.The group discussed flood insurance. Anne Edris, who owns a community-based business on Avenue C, and used all her savings for repairs, said she has pulled together with her neighbors to build a buttress to help protect against future flooding,Winbo custom keychain plus deter rodent infestation. She said she also wants a generator.

Now that people know what to expect when a hurricane hits town, water, flashlights, and candles should be high on everyones list. However, participants at Monday nights session still had concerns about communication, and the group brainstormed about what should be done during similar types of emergency situations such as having the city post fliers to disseminate urgent information.I dont think the city communicated with us really well, said Edris.For example, after Sandy, Avenue C residents were not supposed to drink the water, even after boiling it. Rather, they were instructed to drink only bottled water. Yet, no one knew this at the time.

Three months later, the Department of Environmental Protection sent letters telling us, Dont drink the water, Edris said. She and other people had felt sick post-Sandy from drinking the water.Seiden, who made copies of family photos to mail to relatives prior to the storm, worried about the general publics mentality.I wonder if well slide just back in complacency, he said. Thats why Im here, in case it happens again.

The counselors discussed the physical, emotional and cognitive aspects of disasters, and how to reacclimate oneself to the community and re-establish a sense of normal life.Victoria Nilsson, a coordinator for New York City Civic Corps at the Office of Emergency Management, talked about the practicalities of disaster preparedness. She travels to all five boroughs to train people for emergencies, doing one session per day.Weve had a huge focus on areas affected by Sandy, she said.

The citys emergency plan, which covers creating a support network, packing a to-go bag and a stay-at-home kit, is not only for hurricanes. Nilsson noted there are plenty of hazards in the city besides flooding, such as blackouts, fires, gas leaks, utilities, lack of public transportation, cell phone towers down, earthquakes, tornados and terrorism.
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A hidden fairy tale in Turkey

In Turkey (and abroad), Cappadocia is world-famous. Ask an average tourist about one of the most beautiful places in Turkey and his or her answer will most probably be Cappadocia. Ask a Turkish citizen the same question and he/she would probably again name Cappadocia as one of the most fascinating and mind-blowing places in Turkey. They are right. Cappadocia is fabulous and intriguing.

The history, the way it acquired such a beautiful landscape full of fairy chimneys, the mystery of the tunnels that lead to underground villages; I am still surprised that not one big Hollywood director has made a movie about it because this is, without exaggerating, a unique place.

However, in Turkey there are more places that resemble Cappadocia and those places are without visitors. Maybe Im exaggerating, but you hardly find anybody there, thats for sure. One of these places is Kuledocia, not very far away from ?zmir,Winbo silicone bracelets while the other place I know is near Afyon. Most probably there are more of these fascinating places, but I have not visited them yet. Nonetheless, all these places are definitely worth paying a visit.

This time I want to tell you something about Karak?y, a small village about 50 kilometers from Afyon. It is one of those typical, stereotypical Anatolian villages. In writing this, I actually have to acknowledge that there is not something like a stereotypical Anatolian village. They are all special, different and unique. What Im trying to say is that, while entering the village, this place does not give you any clue about the hidden treasure in its backyard; all you see are the familiar one- or two-story high buildings.

While the number of visitors who go to Cappadocia may exceed 1 million, here in Karak?y, the local people are happy when they receive 10 tourists in a week. It is obvious that tourists have not discovered this place yet. The people are poor, there are no souvenir shops that sell original handmade souvenirs from China and there are no restaurants. So why bother going to Karak?y then?

The answer is simple. It is a gorgeous place. When I get out of my car, I am directly surrounded by a couple of children. Where they came from I have no idea. The funny thing is that in a lot of places in Turkey, the first ones to approach you are children. They are curious where you have come from and want to share the information they have about their village. Do not get upset by those children clinging on to you like a magnet on a fridge; on the contrary, try to make connection with them. They often have a lot of things to tell and, in spite of their age, are sometimes perfect guides who gabble the information they have learned at school.

I arrived at the worst time of the day, as you can imagine, as I came at around noon when the sun is high in the sky, generally creating a nightmare for photographers. But I was curious and let myself be guided by the young enthusiastic boy who invited a couple of friends to come along as well. I first had to plow through a field of, well, I do not know. It had been planted, was something agricultural but I didnt have any clue what it might be. Then there was a steep wall to climb and no path or stairs to make climbing easier. This was the perfect spot for me. I like to think of myself as an explorer; something that is extremely difficult in the era we are living in. Many times though, I ended up in a situation where I did feel like I was the first European visitor to actually walk through that village there or visit this festival here. That is the nice thing about Turkey. There is so much to see and do, and tourists rarely visit most of those places.

After climbing the hill, a landscape opened up in front of my eyes. Not just a landscape; this was an absolutely mind-blowing landscape. As far as the eye could see, thousands of years of erosion had left an indelible mark on this landscape. The soil is, I guess, from the same material as in Cappadocia.Therefore rain, wind and snow had had a chance to mould it into this fairy-tale landscape. I wouldnt have been surprised if suddenly some trolls or an ogre appeared before my eyes. Here, everything is possible.

The best time to visit Karak?y is early in the morning or during sunset; at that time, the sun, with its warm orange colors, will create long, dramatic shadows on the hills and the fairy chimneys. But if you are not so lucky, as I was, to be there at the right time, you may still get some help from the gods. On the day I visited this fascinating place, there were some nice clouds drifting above the landscape. It gave me the depth and even sometimes the soft light that I wanted for my pictures.Looking at the fairy chimneys,Buy Silicone IPAD Case at wholesale prices from leading Chinese wholesalers, I noticed that I could see all different stages of the fairy chimneys.

Because almost no tourists come here, the natural erosion is continuing. There are no shoes or off-road vehicles that can damage the soft stone layers. Therefore, I saw besides the old and characteristic fairy chimneys a lot of baby fairy chimneys. You can see the whole evolution of how the stone surface slowly transformed into those beautiful statues that dominate the landscape for thousands and thousands of years. Impressive, unique and one of those must have seen things from Turkey.

The FBI seized Merrills hard drive from his CMU office, in addition to the hard drive that contained child pornography.Additionally, the U.S.Our top picks for the Winbo Iphone Headset and gear, attorney agreed Merrill assisted the authorities in his prosecution by notifying authorities in a timely manner that he intended to plead guilty.

When a warrant was issued on Nov. 5 to search Merrills Mount Pleasant home and office at CMU, items seized and disposed of included all computers, laptops, iPads, VHS tapes, CDs, DVDs, hard drives, phones, media storage drives, knives, handcuffs, USB flashdrives, iPods and prescription pills, according to court documents.

Merrill was charged Nov. 8 in Isabella County with a four-count felony, consisting of one count of possession of sexually abusive material, one count of distributing or promoting child sexually abusive activity and two counts of using a computer to commit a crime, according to court records.

The investigation began when CMUs information technology staff noticed a large amount of data being transmitted from a single computer on the network.After tracking the source of transmission, IT disconnected Merrills computer from the Internet in hopes that the user would contact IT for support, according to an affidavit. After further inspection of his computer, an IT worker discovered images and videos of child pornography.
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Leap Motion begins shipping

In February I wrote about Leap Motion, a futuristic peripheral that allows you to control your computer with "air gestures," by moving your hands in the air. The Leap Motion controller began shipping this weekend and I received mine in the mail today. Although some people that place pre-orders got theirs over the weekend, Leap just posted the software today.

It was originally slated to begin shipping in Mid-May, but Leap ran into production problems and had to push back delivery two months to account for a larger and longer beta period.

The Leap Motion hardware C about the large USB flash drive C consists of two cameras, three infared LEDs, and a USB controller, but the secret sauce is in the software algorithm that tracks all 10 of your fingers as you wave them in the air above the device.

Many people have compared Leap Motion to the hand gestures used by Tom Cruise's character in the 2002 movie Minority Report, but it's more about finger finesse and subtle screen control than it is about swiping large halographic panels of information to and fro. After you install the Leap Motion software, it installs the Airspace Store (a repository of apps designed for the controller) and five demo apps to get you started with the device.

While using it definitely feels futuristic, Leap takes a fair amount of getting used to. I was able to fumble my way around the Shimsham and Molecules apps, but Cut The Rope was an unmitigated disaster on my first attempt but I'm willing to chalk that up to a totally new category of peripheral and less than an hour of actually using it. While the apps and UI are a little rough around the edges, Leap Motion shows a lot of potential and I can't help but root for a company placing such a big bet on a touchless, 3D interface for computers.

Leap Motion is novel in these early days but I can't wait to see what kind of innovative applications are developed to exploit its innovative sensors. Someday when motion sensors are built into every computer (Leap Motion has announced partnerships with HP and ASUS), it's conceivable that we won't touch our computers at all, but instead just point, swipe and gesture in the air in front of them.

This should mean less wear and tear on the printer and generally faster print speeds. We tested this on the mid-range Brother HL-3150CDW model.

The printer is a compact 410 x 465 x 240mm, although it still weighs a hefty 17.8 kg. Build quality feels solid. Styled in unassuming grey and black, it's designed to blend in well with other computer-related hardware without drawing attention to itself.

While you can admire the desire for ease and simplicity of operation, this has been taken too far with the control panel. Embedded into the left side of the top panel, the panel has no tilt facility and only a basic, non-backlit, 1-line, 16-character LCD display thats difficult to read at almost all angles. Scrolling through the menus is slow work with just a handful of buttons tackling all operations.

As Brother openly targets this printer at small workgroups, the storage capacity of a firmly constructed 250-sheet base paper tray C plus a single-sheet manual feed slot above C should serve about right. Bearing in mind the cost-cutting with the display, it's perhaps unsurprising that there's also no front USB or memory card slots for non-PC printing although auto duplex does come as standard.

Connectivity is more generous, though,Buy Silicone IPAD Case at wholesale prices from leading Chinese wholesalers, with ethernet, wireless 802.11b/g/n and USB 2.0 options as well as mobile linkage to Apple AirPrint and Google Cloud Print. We did note, however, that Brother's iPrint&Scan app had difficulty identifying the right device, while WPS recognition via the router was almost instant.

So how fast is this LED printer? Mixed A4 text and image documents were certainly emerging close to the claimed 18 ppm rate, with auto duplex text-only pages also matching the 7 sides per minute Brother claimed.

Black text quality is crisp and solid and web pages in particular appeared sharp and detailed even in small colour images. Brother has also maintained that LED printers are more economical in ink usage, and to reinforce that they have 2200-page high-yield toner cartridges for the cyan, magenta and yellow colours which work out at 3.4p each per page. A one-size 2500-page black cartridge means black-and-white printing should be around 2.2p per page.

Cincinnati Incorporated is making the productivity advantages of its latest touchscreen control and bend simulation software available to customers with popular vintage model press brakes. The control and advanced software, which enable 3D rotational viewing of part shape and gage fingers, can be retrofitted to the companys Autoform, Formaster, Formaster II, CB, CBII and AutoShape press brakes. The control aids operators with automatic bend simulations, graphic displays of parts before and after the bend, part orientation, setup notes and a tool library. It can access jobs from its high-capacity internal flash drive, USB or Ethernet. New part programs are easily created on the control or by using the optional offline Bend Simulation software. These press brakes are workhorses and are still very durable, very accurate and have many decades of use ahead of them, said Mike Seall, VP of Sales and Service for Cincinnati Incorporated.Winbo silicone braceletsOur top picks for the Winbo Iphone Headset and gear, Controls, like computers, get outdated quickly so this is an easy, affordable way to stay current and be more productive without having to purchase a new press brake.

The powerful, user-friendly control reduces programming and setup time through fast data entry via the touchscreen interface with large target buttons. Job setup pages display tool names and locations, segment lengths, and operator notes to further reduce setup time and ensure important instructions are displayed each time a job is recalled. After selecting the bend sequence and tools from the graphical tool library, part programs are created with one touch. Automatic Gage Allowance calculation reduces trial and error at the machine.
Click on their website http://www.winbogifts.com/products/silicone-ipad-case.html.


Hurricanes and Projectile Vomiting Painkillers

Thank you for the kind words about my last column on alcoholism. A few of you were assholes, but Ive been an asshole enough times to deserve it. Ive been sober for roughly a month now, and the seismograph of my detox-induced ups and downs has started to balance out, leaving me with appreciation for Kurt Vonneguts words.

After all that talk about death and addiction, I decided I would write about something cheery this week, mainly Hurricane Marilyn, the 95 storm that destroyed my home and left 11,000 peopleincluding my familyhomeless on the island of St. Thomas. I was seven years old, so my memories of the storm are fragments clouded by childhood trauma.Full service promotional company specializing in Custom USB flash drives.

My family had survived Hugo of 89 and several smaller storms. Back thenat least in my mindtropical storms and minor hurricanes were an excuse to miss school. We reacted to hurricanes the way many New Yorkers reacted to Irene in 2011. In other words, we were not prepared for Marilyn.

I dont remember the hours of the evolution of the storm, but my mind is rattled with memories of the worst. We spent the day boarding our two-story house with hurricane shutters. Thankfully, we chose to spend the night of the storm downstairs, while the storm blew off our neighbors roof and slammed it into the first floor of our house, causing the deck and rooms to crumble, burying my family in so much rubble that the next day a neighbor had to hack my family out with an axe and pull us out through a hole.

Hurricane Irene made me realize Hurricane Marilyn traumatized me, leaving me with a time bomb ready to (literally) projectile vomit repressed memories. When Irene crept upon the city in August 2011, I was working at MTV Networks. Most of my friends and coworkers didnt take the approaching storm seriously, but I was in a panic, drafting and then deleting crazed emails to friends warning them of the possible destruction. Hurricane Irene would only inflict minimal damage on New York City, but I was picturing Cloverfield type shit in my head.

On the Thursday before Irene hit, my boss took my team out for drinks. Since this was before I became sober, I tried to drown my nervousness with bottles of wine. Afterwards, I stumbled into a cab and collapsed into my apartment, waking up at 5:30 AM still wasted, experiencing horrible cramps in my lower abdomen. Because I turn into a fucking nutcase when I drink and use drugsgetting sober was the best thing Ive ever done for my countryI became convinced I had an UTI, freaked the fuck out,Shop huge inventory of Car Phone holder Charger, and got back in a cab to go to an emergency clinic.

I had been to this emergency clinic before; I liked it, because every time I left with a prescription for Xanax or some other opiate. Your pink eye looks uncomfortable? Heres a morphine drip. I peed in the fucking cup. I didnt have a UTI or anything else, but the doctor agreed the cramping sounded painful, so he sent me on my way with a nice big bottle of Percocet.

Of course, I popped two (as directed) immediately,Winbo ear caps and by the time I got to work, the Percocet introduced itself to my stomach full of wine, causing me to projectile vomit. Because its pretty hard to work while recreating scenes from The Exorcist in a handicap bathroom, I told my boss I had to go home, which I felt super bad about. It was a really important day, and she needed me.

I had thrown up before during Hurricane Marilyn, but this was when I was seven years old, and drugs and alcohol were not the cause. Rather, it was the sounds of my childhood home crumpling on top of my family as we huddled in a closet that made me vomit. We listened to a radio that played interrupted calls of farmers whose goats had allegedly been swirled up and blown away by tornadoes. At one point, urged by Marilyns winds, my familys SUV attempted to smash through a door and join us in the closet. I had visions of my father darting out of the little closet we were hiding in, trying to form some blockade to prevent the SUV from tearing through the room, and I was worried about my kitty, Rosa, a wild island cat, who had long since disappeared into the jungle to find her own protection. She survived. Animals are smart about this shit.

The freakiest part about a hurricane isnt the noise of the storm: winds so loud you cant hear yourself cry, bangs and booms of destruction that may be a landslide or your parents bed being ripped out by a small tornado. It is the bone-chilling silence of the eye of the storm, a brief intermission before the various sounds of death resume.

Compared to victims of natural disasters in Haiti or New Orleans, Hurricane Marilyn was just an annoying summer drizzle ruining my hair in New York City. We lost a lot, but we survived, and as mentioned in my previous column, thanks to Eddie, we found a new home. Months after Marilyn, my father found my mothers favorite belt made of concha shells on a tree by our old house, dangling like a snake.

After losing most of your material wealth you learn how unimportant things like accessories are, but every now and then little tangible presents from the universe work miracles. The other day at work, I received some rather personally unsettling news and was unable to breathe. To gather myself, I stepped outside and took a walk. Old coping mechanisms entered my brain; I thought about chomping pills or having wine for lunch. Then I noticed a little gold peace bracelet on the ground. It was just a cheap bracelet that likely slipped off someones wrist, but it made me smile, so I picked it up and put it on. I walked some more and the thoughts about chemicals began to slip away. I didnt stop in a bar, but went back into the office and kicked some ass, thinking to myself, If this isnt nice, then I dont know what is
Read the full products at http://www.winbogifts.com/products/usb-flash-drive.html.

Books We Know As Old Friends

Reprinted in new editions, several books by authors we loved in our youth came back into our reading focus. It was great to make their re-acquaintance.The reissue of the great (mostly) underappreciated gay author James Purdys 1964 novel "Cabot Wright Begins" reminded us of why we loved Purdy novels like "Malcolm," "The Nephew" and "Eustace Chisholm and the Works" in the first place. Simply put, no one else writes quite like JP. 

"Mrs. Bickle had arrived in New York during the big drought, the revival of the wig and white-lead lip makeup, fellatio as the favorite subject in bestselling fiction, the campaign by the Commissioner of Markets to put palm-readers, fortune-tellers. and purveyors of the occult out of business, and world sugar irregular." 

This is pure Purdy, like the setting of so many small jewels, one by one, in a bracelet of a sentence. Despite the preciousness of the prose, and the soapiness of the plot, the story always barrels right along. Cabot Wright is a satire of the New York literary world, with trenchant portrayals of writers, editors, and publishers. It involves a rapist as a commodity. Out There very much got a chuckle out of it. 

The paperback reissue comes on the heels of the first publication of "The Complete Short Stories of James Purdy" (Liveright, in hardback), all 56 of them, including seven previously unpublished tales. In his introduction, filmmaker John Waters suggests, "Randomly select a perfectly perverted Purdy story and read it before you go to sleep, and savor the hilarious moral damage and beautiful decay that will certainly follow in your dreams." 

It wasnt chosen at random, but we started dipping into the volume with a midcareer story, "Some of These Days,Winbo ear caps" in which a young hustler, released from jail, looks for his beloved benefactor in every porno theater in New York. "And so there in my cell I had to confess what did I have for him if it was not love, and yet I had treated him meaner than anybody I had ever knowed in my life, and once come close to killing him." Violence, destitution, amnesia, sordid sex: to use Waters metaphor, these are the bon bons in Purdys chocolate box. If you read for natural settings, well-rounded characters or verisimilitude, go elsewhere. But if you love a writer who plays with words in impish fashion, Purdy could be for you. 

Meanwhile, Farrar, Straus & Giroux has re-published three classic novels by the celebrated late gay author Christopher Isherwood: "A Single Man," "Down There on a Visit," and "The Memorial." Theyre reissued in handsome little paperbacks newly redesigned by graphic artist Charlotte Strick. 

"A Single Man," published in 1964 and regarded as one of the first modern gay novels, follows gay middle-aged college professor George through a typical day in his Southern California life. You may remember the recent excellent film adaptation starring Colin Firth, Julianne Moore and Matthew Goode, but the book is worth its own read. Its short and sweet. Heres George observing his young male college students: 

"Most of these wore sneakers and garterless white wool socks, jeans in cold weather, and in warm weather shorts (the thigh-clinging Bermuda type - the more becoming short ones arent considered quite decent.) If it is really warm, theyll roll up their sleeves and sometimes leave their shirts provocatively unbuttoned to show curly chest hair and a St. Christopher medal." Garterless, how shocking! 

"Down There on a Visit" is generally considered Isherwoods most fully realized novel. It brings together four times and settings: Bremen, 1928; the Greek Islands, 1932; London, 1938; and California, 1940. They parallel four periods in the authors life, and profile four individuals who were influential to him. The prose is all Isherwoodian titillation. 

"We passed a fountain - a sculptured group of Laocoon and his sons writhing in the grip of the snakes. In this sunshine you could almost envy them. For the snakes were vomiting cool water over the hot,Full service promotional company specializing in Custom USB flash drives.Shop huge inventory of Car Phone holder Charger, naked bodies of the men, and their deadly wrestling match appeared lazy and sensual." 

The band, a green colored wrist band with INLD party symbol affixed on it was launched by Dushyant from Jind city on Saturday evening. Giving details about party's special campaign, Dushyant told that youth band is like friendship bracelet, which would remind its bearer about his commitment to party. 

It would make their bond with the party stronger. Dushyant, who did his bachelors from California state university Bakersfield and schooling Lawrence School Sanawar, further stated that all the new members of the party have been asked to open their accounts on social networking websites to spread out the party's message immediately and instantly and also to expose the evil design of ruling party. 

"Favoritism, nepotism in the selection of government job, arbitrariness in distribution of money for development of areas in Haryana is all time, which even congress's own leaders has been alleging against the ruling Bhupinder Singh Hooda government, " said Dushyant. He further added that with the association of youth of the state, they would be able to spread out the scams committed by the ruling congress government at the state as well as central level. 

According to Dushyant, they have ordered for two lakh such 'youth bands' with the target of attaching two lakh youths of the state with the party. He further stated that through this campaign, school/college going students will not be disturbed and only those working or gainfully employed would be asked and attached with the party. For this a target of two thousand youth from each constituency has been targeted to be attached with the party's youth wing. Dushyant , who is the fourth generation of "Tau" of Indian politics and former deputy prime minister, Devi Lal is leading the party cadre along with his younger brother, Digvijay---a law student in UK, following the conviction of his father Ajay Chautala and grandfather, former Haryana CM Om Prakash Chautala in JBT recruitment scam.


Who will win the Port War?

The Thunderbolt interface takes the cake when it comes to raw power. It boasts 10Gbps of bi-directional transfer rate,Shop huge inventory of Car Phone holder Charger, meaning it can essentially send and receive files at 10Gbps each. USB 3.0 pales in comparison thanks to its 5Gbps bi-directional transfer rate. However, it is worth noting that very few people would actually find the extra 5Gbps useful outside of the professional space.

USB 3.0 also has more utility in general; apart from transfering files, it can also act as a power supply. This essentially lets the port act as a charging hub for a smartphone or any other similar device. It also helps that USB 3.0 is backwards compatible, which means you can plug in your USB 1.0 or USB 2.1 devices into the port without having to worry about whether or not your computer will be able to read the device.

Thunderbolt, not to be outdone, has the ability to daisy chain several devices into one port—up to six devices can be daisy chained on to one Thunderbolt port. For example, this can be used to hook up your mobile storage, video capture box and raid storage into one port. Thunderbolt can also be used to plug in a display device, such as a monitor—assuming, of course, that you have the right cable.

USB 3.0 wins here. As stated by Acer when it rationalised its decision to opt for USB 3.0 over Thunderbolt, "It's less expensive, offers comparable bandwidth, charging for devices such as mobile phones,with Wholesale Cheap Custom Keychain and promotional key tags. and has a large installed base of accessories and peripherals including external hard drives, flash drives, keyboards, mice, and gamepads."

Thunderbolt, on the other hand, is quite a bit more expensive to manufacture. Currently, Intel's third-generation Thunderbolt controller will set you back $10 (Rs 593 approx) and can power two ports. Intel has previously been on record stating that Thunderbolt is a premium interface and is meant for premium devices. As noble as the goal may be, it’s still not very good for adaptation rates, since the small subset of “premium devices” among countless regular devices actually has the interface.

However, all of that power and utility means nothing if no one is using, which is currently the problem that Thunderbolt is facing. The interface’s biggest supporter right now is Apple, which, despite its massive success in the mobile industry, has only seen a limited amount of success in the PC space. Acer, the fourth largest PC manufacturer on the planet, pulled out of using Thunderbolt, citing that USB 3.0 is a better alternative.

Very few devices actually come with Thunderbolt ports on them. Apple is the most prominent backer of the technology. In contrast, almost every mid-to-high end computer now comes with USB 3.0 ports right out of the box. This is, in no small part, thanks to the backwards compatibility afforded by the port with devices that use USB 2 or older.

The future is quite bright for both USB 3.0 and Thunderbolt. USB 3.0 will be able to catch up to Thunderbolt in terms of transfer rates when USB 3.5 is released. This will bring up the interface’s transfer rates up to 10Gbps. It also helps that the next iteration of USB 3.0 will be able to completely remove the need for an extra power supply on HDDs.

Thunderbolt 2, on the other hand, will be going even further with the speed by adding channel aggregation.Winbo silicone bracelets While on the outside it may look like the same 10Gbps transfer rates, at the logical level,Winbo USB flash drives wholesale this means that the previously separate 10Gbps channels can be combined into a single logical 20Gbps channel. Thanks to this, Intel claims that Thunderbolt 2 will be able to transfer 4K videos while simultaneously displaying it on a discrete monitor. Intel is hoping that this catches the attention of professionals who work on large files such as movies and professional-grade photographs.

There is no definitive winner here. Both the interfaces have their own unique uses. Sure, USB 3.0 can charge a smartphone, but a laptop with a USB 2.0 and a Thunderbolt port can do the same without compromising on the transfer rates from the Thunderbolt interface.Winbo ear caps However, Thunderbolt is also much more expensive to make, which inadvertently adds to the price of the computer.

It all comes down to taste. Most consumers will be fine with a USB 3.0 interface thanks to its versatility. Media professionals, however, will undoubtedly opt for a Thunderbolt interface because of its better transfer rates, and given enough cables, daisy chaining abilities.

As it stands today, Samsung is the only major SSD vendor that has commercialized TLC NAND, though others have talked about it with varrying degrees of committment to commercializing a consumer-grade product. TLC has long been viewed with some degree of anxiety in the SSD space, as it's known to be of lesser quality and is typically found in less demanding applications like low-cost USB thumb drives and memory cards. If we know anything about consumers though, it's that they often think they need more endurance out of an SSD than they really do, and they love a lower price point. The Samsung SSD 840 that's in the market today in capacities up to 500GB has done a lovely job of delivering a quality product with sufficient performance and endurance to win over a large segment of the value market.

At the same time as cost and performance wage battle, capacity is another looming concern. Largely thanks to 4TB hard drives, many consumers either need or think they need large capacity SSDs; but to this point they've been unwilling to make the investment required for a 1TB SSD. Micron in fact is the only mainstream SSD vendor to even offer a 1TB consumer SSD with their Crucial M500 in 960GB capacity. While we don't yet have market pricing on the 1TB Samsung SSD 840 EVO, giving consumers more large capacity SSD offerings in the value segment should improve overall SSD technology adoption. OEMs will also certainly take note as they're perpetually looking for ways to drive system adoption in the highly competitive PC and portable computing markets.
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